Bhutan –Paro – October 13,  2002


At Frankfurt Airport 12 hours into our trip em

In Bhutan - Closing celebration of harvest festival - there are 15,000 to 20,000 people here each day for two weeks. And the population of Paro is only 10,000 itself! Lorem

LEven the trucks get all dressed up for the occasion!


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The entire trip - all 22 hours of it - was fun, and we arrived in Bangkok on Saturday morning. Hot and muggy. Sunday morning came early and we flew out at 6:50am to Paro Bhutan by way of Calcutta, India. But as luck would have it, the Flight out of Calcutta developed wing problems (
couldn't get the flaps up) so back we went to Calcutta! Five hours later - we are in Paro Bhutan. Beautiful sunshine, and arriving just as the biggest celebration of the year is taking place.
